Cat-Type Boyfriend VS Dog-Type Boyfriend???
hi..Assalamualaikumm...Anyeong...hari ni aq nk share pasal "Cat-Type Boyfriend" vs "Dog-Type Boyfriend"...actually aq x tau nk post pasal ap..tetibe plak nk post pasal bende nie...BTW aq selongkar majalah "e-pop" at rmh...tetibe trnmpk "e-pop" bln nie aq bce r...tetibe nmpak ade x mlepaskn peluang tok bce psl EXO...huhuh...ha qoerg nk tau x mksd "Cat-Type Boyfriend" dgn "Dog-Type Boyfriend"???
mksd bagi "Cat-Type Boyfriend" ialah....
Tenang , Cerdik , Introvert , Halus , Derhaka , Malas and the last one is Banyak Berfikir ...
mksd bagi "Dog-Type Boyfriend" plak ialah...
Berdarah Panas , Suka Bersukan , Ekstrovert , Rajin , Cuai and tlast one is Sentimental ...
*so kpd sape2 yg ad Boyfriend tu cer qoerg per hatikn Boyfriend qoerg tu Type ap?? sme ade "Cat-Type Boyfriend" or "Dog-Type Boyfriend"..
* So klu qoerg tau Boyfriend qoerg jnis type ape..Comment at bwh post nie..hihi :)